Dr. Kuno is featured in the Technologist’s magazine
Dr. Kuno was featured in the current number (Apr. 2019) of the Technologist’s magazine. https://www.criprof.com/magazine/2019/04/25/post-5843/
DetailsDr. Kuno was featured in the current number (Apr. 2019) of the Technologist’s magazine. https://www.criprof.com/magazine/2019/04/25/post-5843/
DetailsDr. kuno contributed to Kinki Chemical Society’s 100th anniversary publication “The Workbook of Chemistry”. https://www.kagakudojin.co.jp/book/b437151.html
DetailsDr. Kuno and Halcyon Incubator were featured in the Mainichi Shimbun. https://mainichi.jp/articles/20190411/ddm/016/040/024000c Halcyon Incubator https://halcyonhouse.org/incubator
DetailsDr. Kuno was features in the Forbes JAPAN. https://forbesjapan.com/articles/detail/26351
DetailsDr. Kuno had a talk with Prof. Junko Kawai last December.