Tapping Creativity for Social Change – IGNITION
Tapping Creativity for Social Change – IGNITION http://ignition.co/390
Tapping Creativity for Social Change – IGNITION http://ignition.co/390
A Single Step – Journeys of Women Leaders http://www.voanews.com/info/a-single-step/5464.html
Fall Kick-Off 2015 | Halcyon Incubator http://www.halcyonincubator.org/what-we-do/videos Featured explaining the Halcyon Incubator around 0:36
http://www.halcyonincubator.org/what-we-do/how-it-works Featured explaining the Halcyon Incubator around 0:36
Forbes Japan – America’s Richest Self-Made Women http://forbesjapan.com/articles/detail/6362