Dr. Kuno is featured in the nippon.com
Dr. Kuno was featured in the nippon.com http://www.nippon.com/en/people/e00123/
Dr. Kuno was featured in the nippon.com http://www.nippon.com/en/people/e00123/
Dr. Kuno and Halcyon Incubator were featured in the current number (Aug. 2017) of the Forbes JAPAN. https://forbesjapan.com/magazines/detail/67 Halcyon Incubator http://halcyonhouse.org/incubator
The “AVON Awards to Women 2016” ceremony was held in Tokyo on January 31, and Dr. Kuno received Grand Prize. The award aims to encourage women who continue to actively participate in the society bringing courage and hope to those in need. https://sachiko-kuno.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/avon2016.pdf
Dr. Kuno was featured in the current number (Jan. 2017) of the PRESIDENT WOMAN. ▼PRESIDENT WOMAN(Jan. 2017) http://amzn.asia/gJKyv6m http://www.president.co.jp/woman/
Dr. Kuno and WE Capital are featured in the Washington Life Magazine. http://washingtonlife.com/2016/11/01/we-capital-leveraging-the-power-of-female-investors/ https://issuu.com/washingtonlife/docs/wl1116_digital